It is our mission to create, exhibit, collaborate, and educate through the matrix and within the contemporary dialectic of art. We aim to foster awareness for original artist prints by promoting exhibitions, educational opportunities, and encouraging the art of collecting prints.
In turn, the members of CPC hold a high degree of professional standards for their work and for their studio practice. Members are active artists who challenge themselves to produce excellent work and to cultivate a dialog with all those interested in Prints and Art. CPC members are not hobbyists. Members demonstrate proficiency of printmaking techniques, exploration in their medium, and active engagement in the field through creations and exhibition of fine-art prints.
Membership is determined by a juried process. Please provide us a short bio, the printmaking media you work in, 5 examples of recent works. There is a $60 annual membership fee.
*Applicants will be notified regarding the committee's decision within one month of application submission unless otherwise informed by the membership chair.
Print Exhibition Invites
Printmaking demonstrations
Professional Critique Sessions
Discounted membership at
Greenville Center for Creative Arts
Please email if you encounter any issues with web application.
CPC members can pay their annual dues of $60 via PayPal or Check.
Make Checks Payable to “Contemporary Print Collective”
MEMO: "CPC dues"